The Ecumenical Movement Pages
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Welcome again to the Ecumenical Movement pages.

General page introduction
Time line introduction
Interactive zone introduction

This page should help you to find your way around the site and get the most from the facilities available here. If you get lost, just type "help" into the site search engine at the top of the page and you will find yourself back here.

At the top of each main page you will find a navigation box containing five buttons and a site search box. Clicking on each of the buttons will take you to the relevent page. The button which is displayed "lit" shows the page which is currently displayed on your screen. To find references to any subject shown in the site, type a keyword into the search box. You will then be shown a list of all the pages on the site containing a reference to that subject. For example: if you type in "titanic" you will be shown both the page on the time line when the disaster occurred and a page which may give a little more detail and a picture.(top)

The Time Line shows the progression of the ecumenical movement - mainly during the 20th century. Significant world events* are shown alongside events and movements within the Christian churches so that ecumenical developments can be viewed in a global context. You can either follow events in a chronological order or, by using the site search engine at the top of each page, pick out a theme to follow such as apartheid. If you wish to broaden your search beyond the confines of this site, an internet search engine is provided on this page. As well as displaying the navigation box, pages on the Time Line show a line of decades to make it easy to search between years. Clicking on any of the decades will take you to the relevent part of the Time Line.(top)

The Interactive zone is communal space to allow you to communicate with anyone else interested ecumenism. Here you will find a public noticeboard and a calendar for your own comments and the opportunity to promote events or resources of interest - there is even a live chat facility should you wish to arrange an online conference. You will need to register to use some of the facilities. Submissions to the noticeboard can be made from the screen or via e-mail. All submissions are displayed publicly and members may elect to receive new notices via e-mail. The calendar can be used to promote forthcoming events. Events shown on the calendar can also be sent as reminders to group members by e-mail. (top)

The author of this site is Andrew Allcock.
This site was first submitted for assessment for the course module WC2a The Ecumenical Movement at the Partnership for Theological Education, Manchester, on 10/07/2000.
The site is hosted on a commercial free server - hence the advertising windows. Neither the author nor the Partnership for Theological Education, Manchester have any connection with the sponsors of the server. (top)



Bell, G. K. A., The Kingship of Christ: The Story of the World Council of Churches, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1954
Goodhall, Norman, The Ecumenical Movement: What it is and what it does, London, Oxford University Press, 1961
Goodhall, Norman, Ecumenical Progress: A Decade of Change in the Ecumenical Movement 1961-1971, London, Oxford University Press, 1972
Kinnamon, Michael and Cope, Brian E., The Ecumenical Movement: An Anthology of Key Texts and Voices, Geneva and Grand Rapids, WCC and Eerdmans, 1997
Overy, Richard (ed.), The Times Atlas of the 20th Century, London, Times Books, 1996
Parry, J. M., The World Council of Churches - a brief history. Manchester, (unpub.), 1998
Rouse, Ruth and Neill, Stephen Charles (eds.), A History of the Ecumenical Movement 1517-1948, London, SPCK 1954
Villain, Maurice, Unity: A History and Some Reflections, London, Harvill, 1963
Zander, L. A., Vision and Action, London, Victor Gollancz, 1952

*Listings of world events adapted from Overy, Richard (ed.), The Times Atlas of the 20th Century, London, Times Books, 1996. pp. 10-15